Sunday, March 29, 2009

Official Site Launch: April 9th, 2009

We are frantically working on last minute changes to and will officially announce the launch of the website on Thursday, April 9th, barring any unexpected delays. We had hoped to make the announcement on April 2nd but the site just won't be ready.


  1. Why is this US Only? Are you aware there's a rest-of-the-world out here on the Internets?

  2. Ah yes, but out here in the Civilised World we have data protection laws. You have certain rights over records held about you by third parties, especially if they're factually wrong. You'd need to add quite a lot of new functionality to PersonRatings to allow for that.

    Then there's the whole "anonymous" thing. Free speech is all fine and large, but there's laws about libel, incitement to hatred, incitement to violence... all of which mean that commenters' anonymity couldn't be guaranteed. Some countries even have laws about "identity theft", which might even criminalise impersonating someone else in an online comment.
